Engineering Software

Based on smooth processes and flexible collaboration

Work Arrangements

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What types of work arrangements does ROPARDO offer for software outsourcing?

We engage in the following work arrangements for software outsourcing:

  • The project-based model
  • Nearshore dedicated teams model

Dedicated Team in Nearshore

Considering the option of outsourcing the development of a software solution to ROPARDO Offshore Development Center or complementing an existing team with dedicated software developers will save you money and will ensure the timely and successful delivery of project. The local center implements the customer’s standards and rules and has higher responsibilities but more flexibility.

Dedicated Team. Dedicated Development Team is the delivery method preferred by our customers because the teams we put together meet their long-term needs. Dedicated team comes with reliability, trust and flexibility in the same package. The customer is permanently in direct contact with us and benefiting from a transparent workflow and flexible engagement contract.

Time & Material. This model is suitable for software projects whose duration and plans are not precisely defined from the beginning. We can provide at your request effort estimation, project timeline, material/resource estimates and other vital figures to help you decide on financials.

Mixed model. If none of the above models is suitable for your business needs, ROPARDO is flexible enough and open-minded so that together we can create a new model by mixing elements of the above options. Whatever the model, we will always be engaged in helping you grow by optimizing your IT costs and eliminating overhead.

Project-based model

Also known as the Fixed Price or Turnkey model, this model is suitable for customers with well-defined requirements and project schedules who are looking for collaborations with precise beginnings and endings, while several alternatives are being examined. Normally, this model requires the customer to have all technical aspects set (technology platforms, database model or software architecture) set and provide the specifications.

Under this model, we develop projects in several fixed price iterations. This method indicates clearly what needs to be delivered, when, and with what costs (on-time, on-budget delivery of projects).

Delivery methods by location

Nearshore Development Center. ROPARDO Nearshore Development Center impersonates a highly specialized pool of developers located in our offices, but actually working as a remote extension of the customer’s team. This business method ensures optimized costs in terms of improved management and quick allocation of resources.
We prefer the nearshore business model for its flexibility in collaboration and the facile access to a large pool of highly skilled IT specialists as an advantage for the customer.

Onsite + Nearshore Center. Sometimes, to ensure efficient communication and the expected results, it is imperious for our specialists to be present at the customer’s premises, especially in critical phases of the projects: consulting, kick-off, knowledge transfer, delivery. Team members will work for definite periods of time on your location performing requested tasks and being integrated in your team. To talk numbers, we think that up to four weeks at a time at the customer’s office over a period of few days up to 3 months usually works for middle and senior developers.

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